
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ramstein Open House in Pictures - 2010

SR Fresh Hot Sauce at Ramstein Open House
SR Fresh Hot Sauce signs by Emma
In case it wasn't obvious to you, we really enjoy the High Point Brewery Ramstein Beer Open House events on the 2nd Saturday of the month in Butler, NJ.

The very first reason is for the friendliness of the event.

And we have lots of other reasons for liking the event, too, many of which follow.

We see our friends from Ramstein - Greg, Tina, Brian, Darren, Dennis and many others.

We see friends from the Morris County Park Commission hikes as well as from Smoke Rise, Kinnelon, Butler, Riverdale, Montville and even Bergen County [thank you, Mimi!].

We're particularly delighted that Klaus, after living in Smoke Rise for ~30 years, has finally located authentic German-style wheat beer worthy of his home town in Germany.

There's the beer itself, some of which changes from event to event, including seasonal beers like the Oktoberfest or the Maibock as well as regular lagers and ales which are brewed in rotation. Each monthly open house is its own celebration of the latest craft brewing process.

We love the discussion of beer making that takes place during the tour Greg Zaccardi gives of the brewery - especially since, every time, Greg adds new details.

The beer-related t-shirts are fantastic!  Here are a few I took pictures of recently:

Relax with Beer

Get Your Hands on a Ramstein Blonde
"Get Your Hands on a (Ramstein) Blonde"

Support your local brewery
"Support Your Local Brewery"

Beer is Food
"Beer is Food" (especially with SR Fresh Hot Sauce!)

Finally, it's an international and cultural experience! Our Dutch friend Alex visits; I've chatted with French and Canadian visitors.

Most recently, we met a couple from Ukraine, pictured here with Emma as she poses holding their magnificent Ukrainian ceramic growler.

Ukrainian Growler
Emma learning about Ukrainian Growlers.

I bet you will have good reasons for liking the Ramstein Open House, too!

By the way, Greg shares this article by Warren Bobrow on where to find great beers in Morris County, NJ: A brewing hotbed: Discover serious brews throughout Morris County.

The next Open House on Saturday, September 11th is a big Oktoberfest event. We'll send out a reminder as we get closer, but do make a note of it in your calendar.


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