
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Westerhoff Musical Experience, 4/29/12, Smoke Rise Church

Music Lovers! Save Sunday April 29th, 2012 at 3pm for the annual Westerhoff musical experience at the Smoke Rise Community Church!

You may have already seen the flyer and set it aside. In case you haven't, here are the details.

This is a Performing Arts program organized by Kinnelon's Center for Lifelong Learning (CLL). It consists of a Musical Recital featuring the faculty of the Westerhoff School of Music and Art:

Helga Westerhoff, 
Executive Director and Founder

David Isowitz, 
Music Director

who promise to expose you to a memorable and stimulating musical experience!

The Community Church of Smoke Rise is located at 38 North Road in Kinnelon, NJ.

Admission is $5.00 at the door and refreshments will be served.

It doesn't get much better than that!
Please note: 
  • The Westerhoff School of Music and Art has been a dedicated supporter of the CLL Performing Arts Program featuring their talented music department faculty. 
  • These programs are supported by generous grants from the Westerhoff Foundation, The Columbia Bank and by you the audience.
I wish you a wonderful musical experience at the Smoke Rise Community Church with the Westerhoff School of Music and Art!

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