
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Taking Care of Your Computer For Free -- The Best FREE Software -- Talk at the Kinnelon Library Wed 7 PM Apr 11 2012

It Costs No Money!

I will be giving a talk at the Kinnelon Public Library Wednesday, Apr. 11 at 7 PM, which is the 4th of 6 such talks a month apart, on the subject of taking care of your Windows PC, new or old, with special attention in Part 3 to:

The Best FREE Software for Your PC, including :

1) Libre Office (Open Office) A Microsoft Office Substitute -- Do Not Pay for MS Office -- you can get Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and more workalikes, that suit most everyone just fine. Works just fine with Office files, such as doc, ppt, xls, and so on.

2) Google Chrome -- If you are still using IE, don't -- Chrome is SO much faster, and simpler to use that you need to switch right away -- unless you like waiting around for your browser to catch up.

3) Google Picasa -- Hands Down the Very Best Photo Manager, Light Editor, Uploading and Sharing, and Printing Program, EVER. If you rake photos and print them, you must have Picasa.

4) Dropbox --Share a common directory with other computers, family and friends!  Never lose a critical data file again! Share and sync your Quicken, Outlook, Powerpoint, or whatever files with another computer, and you CANNOT lose them ... well ... hard to, anyway.

5) Skype -- Free video Phoning for everyone, except for the price of an HD VidCam (less than $50, sometimes less than $25). Works easily, great for family and business.

6), 7), 8), ... and so on. We have a list -- there has to be something on there for you!

Come find out what you have been missing, and avoid spending money on expensive commercial software!

We will repeat our "Open Mike" period at the end of the talk so you can find out why your computer isn't doing what you want:

All of you Kinnelon and North Jersey people, and everybody else, are welcome to come.

Call the Kinnelon Library at 973 838 1321 and reserve a spot.

See you there!


PS: Check out the Working Computers Blog article, The 7 Best Free Software Programs As Of January 2012, for more on the subject -- we will have more software to recommend at the talk

PPS: This talk pertains to PCs running Windows 7, Vista and XP

Photo Credit: various websites

You get the idea!

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