Randy and Kathy describe the program as follows:
A six session group program, Coping with Grief During the Holidays: Facing Loss During the Season of “Joy” will be starting on Friday, November 5, 2010 at 5:30 PM until 7 PM.
The program will be an interactive discussion group focusing on finding ways to survive the holidays during times of grief and loss. The holidays can often be difficult for people during this time. Others may not understand the intensity of their grief. If someone has a broken leg, people understand the limitations. But, often people cannot see another's broken heart and may not understand that person’s lack of desire to participate fully in holiday festivities.
For those who have a broken heart, just getting through the holidays can be very tough. This is a way to get through it with others who are experiencing similar difficulties and to find some understanding and tools to get by and cope with it all.
"Coping with Grief During the Holidays: Facing Loss During the Season of “Joy” takes place at the Wayne Center for Emotional Health located at 1581 Route 23 South in Wayne, New Jersey 07470 where Randy and Kathy have their offices.
The six-part session lasts from Fridays, November 5, 2010 – December 17, 2010 (no session November 26, Thanksgiving weekend) from 5:30 PM – 7 PM.
Cost: $10 for the first session, $100 for the additional five sessions payable at the first session.
Registration is required. To register for the "Coping with Grief During the Holidays" program, contact either Randy or Kathy. Their contact details are below.
I asked Kathy and Randy to share information about themselves. I'll start with Randy - whom I know.
Randy, would you tell me about your background?
I've been working as a psychotherapist for 20 years. I work with individuals, couples and groups.
I have extensive post-graduate school training working with families and couples using a family system approach. I also have training on a deeper level working from a psychoanalytic approach with individuals and couples.
I do a lot of work with groups and have a deep understanding of the group process as well.
How long have you lived in Smoke Rise?
I've been living in Smoke Rise for about three years this time around.
I also lived here for about 8 years when my oldest son was in high school and my younger son was in middle school... that was about 16 years ago. I guess I must have liked it, because I came back with my husband Ken.
What do you like most about living in this area?
We love being in the woods, close to nature, but not too fond of meeting coyotes or bears. The neighbors are the best...always have a warm and welcoming feeling in this community.
What's the best way to reach you?
To register for the program, contact me at 973-449-3948 or via email at info@rfreemantherapy.com. You can go to my website rfreemantherapy.com which provides more information about psychotherapy and my background.
Next, Kathy, whom I hope to meet in person soon! Kathy, would you tell me about your background?
I specialize in the Emotions of Pregnancy and Birth and Couples Counseling. For thirteen years, I've worked with pregnant moms, helping them manage their feelings about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum depression, and their partner relationship. I take a family-centered focus, helping couples find their way as new parents and helping couples sort out feelings and practicalities about their relationship. My professional training and life experiences make me very familiar with the challenges women and their families face -- including how to stay true to yourself while being in relationship to others, in marriage, parenting and divorce situations.
I'm the author of BirthTouch®: Shiatsu & Acupressure Training for Birth Professionals, a stress reduction method for the childbearing year, which I teach twice a year. I've also developed Gentle Birthing Methods as an evidence-based way to manage emotions during pregnancy and birthing.
How long have you lived in Smoke Rise?
I've lived in Smoke Rise for nine years with my husband of 20 years and my16 year old son.
What do you like most about living in this area?
I love to hike and enjoy the beauty of the Eastern hardwood trees, especially in the fall, as well as the activities at the Smoke Rise beach. Most of all, I love the wonderful, caring people I have met in Smoke Rise.
What's the best way to reach you?
To register for the program, contact me at 973-713-6412 or via email at kathy@kathymorelli.com. You can visit my website www.kathymorelli.com which provides more information about marriage and family counseling as well as my background.
[By the way, Kathy is author of the blog Motherhood, Marriage and Mental Health!]
Thank you Kathy and Randy for sharing this information. What a great resource you've put together for those coping with grief during the Holidays.
Please don't hesitate to contact Kathy or Randy with questions about "Coping with Grief during the Holidays" or the Wayne Center for Emotional Health. Feel free to share this information with others you know.

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