Kinnelon Conserves would like to thank the community for its participation and assistance in making our 4th Annual Earth Day Fair at Pearl R. Miller School another success. The fair was attended by over 350 visitors who were treated to an array of up-to-date, cutting edge, eco-displays and information.
Pearl R. Miller School Principal Mark Mongon welcomed a swarm of grassroots volunteers into his school with a smile, and maintenance staff member Danny Pregenzer did an efficient job setting up and breaking down the event.
A Kinnelon Conserves generated exhibit, “Read the Fine Print” provided attendees with magnifying glasses so that they could identify (and avoid) potentially toxic ingredients that lurk in everyday products, a long list of which was posted on the gym wall.
Student clubs and Girl Scout troop #1308 created and ran interactive activities and lent plenty of energy and muscle to the Fair’s success. KHS senior, Matt Vail, managed all the road signs and also made sure that bins were provided for the Adopt-A-Family used sneaker collection that benefits those without shoes in Africa.
Kinnelon resident Vic Oburg once again proudly displayed his "
Local guitarist Tony Christopher serenaded attendees with song as they took in displays of nature photography, demonstrations of martial arts, and viewed animation, The Story of Stuff.
The most popular petition by far was one signed in support of a public Kinnelon Borough Community Garden.
Special thanks to these organizations which contributed and exhibited during the 4th Annual Kinnelon Conserves Earth Day Fair:
Adopt a Family Program
Plant Health Alternatives
Toys Camp
Eberhard’s Recycled Wood: 973-838-7691
Young Living with Avery
Berrios Creative Crochet
Paul K Tiajoloff, Architect LLC: 973-402-0277(O)
PNC Bank
Solar Living Inc.(CapturetheSun.com)
Glenwild Garden Center
Natural Turf
Only Green
Jim’s Organic Coffee
The Awarenest
Tony Christopher
Harvest Morn Honey: 973-838-0964
Home Energy Matters
Finishing Touch Landscaping
Stone Cliff Cleaners
Tri-Boro Animal Welfare
Global Shade Tree Professionals
Holistic Mom’s Network
Bobolink Dairy & Bakery
Bob’s Clocks: 973-838-6735
Designs by Eleanor
Ellie's Health Shoppe
Evergreen Healing Arts: 201-704-0823(cell)
Cipriano Landscape Design
Purple Dragon
Ross Solar Group: Josh@RossSolarGroup.com
Shop by Stella: Stel2000@aol.com
Traditional Okinowan Karate: mrmiller@tokarate.com
These organizations contributed, but weren't able to exhibit:
Samantha Peterson-Salvador, Barefoot Books: 732-787-1812
Joseph D’Aloisio, Shop to Earth: 973-728-3516
For information about joining Kinnelon Conserves, please call (973) 492-3404, go to www.kinnelonconserves.net or send email to kinnconserves@optonline.net.
Thank you, Avery, and congratulations, Kinnelon Conserves on another successful Earth Day Fair!
A special thank you to "Red, the Tender Clown" for her magical face and arm paintings. Emma was enchanted with her cat.

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