My name is Herb Fisher, Jr. I read Tom Kline's essay concerning the Smoke Rise Tower and I would like to add, plus more. My parents built a house at 628 Mountain Road in the mid 1950s. They lived there from 1955 until I found it necessary to move my Mom in 1996 to where we live in Texas. My Dad died in 1990. Fishers, forty one years in Smoke Rise.
My father was Herbert O. Fisher, Chief Test Pilot for the Curtiss Wright Corporation beginning in 1939. After the war he was assigned to the Propeller Division at Caldwell Wright Airport (now called Essex County Airport/KCDW), NJ. He left Curtiss in about 1952 to become Special Assistant to Aviation Development for the Port of New York Authority (at that time New Jersey was not included).
In early 1954, I was at the tender age of six and my world revolved around 23 Birkendene Road in Caldwell. Unknown to me, in the Spring of that year my parents purchased 1.5 acres (less than $6000/acre...hmmm big bucks back then, today a garage sale/chump change), just past the summit of Kitty Ann Mountain, on the east side. Late that summer they informed me we would be moving and wanted me to see where our brand new house would be located.
Initially, I was NOT a happy little boy. My Dad in our 1954 Cadillac headed north on this Route #23. We passed places like Dan's Steak House on the first traffic circle, some Hoffman (I think) furniture store on the second circle and the final circle ended on a long uphill climb. Places like a Sun Tan Lake passed my view and seemed very odd. We continued on Rt.23 and then finally turned back around. As we exited and I looked forward from the back seat with my grand mother Mitzi/Nana, there was some type of stone gatehouse with a gate keeper named Ole Abe....geez to me he looked like a 100 year old giant. To the right was another much larger structure with the same stones, several parking spaces and windows. I was told John Walker, a salesman, worked there.

We passed the Tower and drove a little ways on and stopped. Portions of that carriage trail are still visible today just to the right of Mountain Road. We trekked through the woods, to the left. All I could see were waist high sticks in the ground with a string outlining where the house was to be built, by two Swede contractors named Olsen and Jacobson. My Dad said, this is where our new house will be. My mind was blurred, rocks, trees, kricks, castles...WHAT! He turned the car around, showed me the lake, a beach, green row-boats that belonged to the Smoke Rise Club, and Sailfish sail boats and pointed to Chapel Island, then Hoot Owl Pond, the stone Inn (which we stayed at upstairs for several weeks before moving into a stone house on East Shore Drive awaiting our house to be completed).
After this drive my attitude about moving changed......"I think this place will work out very nicely". I remember spending midnight New Years Eve 1954 changing to1955 in our unfinished house, standing on the plywood floor, without heat for about an hour. They wanted to spend that midnight, in their new house.

Let me comment about Tom's reference to the Peabody's bomb shelter. Shortly after we moved in, the Orbans built that house. Kurt and his wife had two children. Robin who was my age and Bob who was a couple of years older. The shelter was not original with the house. Initially, it was a dirt floor cavity under their porch that could be accessed through a portal in their basement. Robin, Bob, myself and a fellow named Randy Arendt (his Dad built a house below mine on the end of Mountain Road Terrace) and John Phillip Smythe formed the Zacherley Fan Club. Zacherley was a scary fellow on WABC TV who showed 1940s horror movies late on Friday nights. We had candles, a hanging manikin, bottles with colored water...it was our clubhouse. As the 60s unfolded, the Orbans built that bomb shelter....back then with the Cold War, it was the status symbol of the day.

We would use chalk and make roadways on our parents' driveways for our bicycles. Randy had a make believe gas station, I sold cola and Yoo-Hoo, and Robin had a store with Cambell's soup and after shave lotion. Bob printed Tower Bucks and we bought and sold in...... TOWER TOWN.
I know the rock that Tom is talking about to the west. I spent many hours there. If I was a gazillionaire I would buy that house and tear it down. Restore the area to original.
We played baseball at the Tower using the purple pudding stone as a backstop.
Yes, there were numerous late night parking activities. I would, at 17 or 18, walk down to 628 and sneak a six pack of Herb's beer from the basement bar, bring it back and be an ambassador of promoting very friendly relationships.
I climbed the rusty beams/stairs dozens of time with friends and the view is spectacular. And I will confirm Tom's statement.....clearly you could see the NYC skyline from pudding stone rock back then. Also, Tom, I will confirm that it was possible 45 or so years ago to see the Monument at High Point. On a crisp clear day with Herb's binoculars and with a steady hand or tripod, it was visible from the top of the Tower. We all agree, the New York skyline to the southeast at about 30 miles, looking to the north for about the same distance was also possible, just a smaller target.

Speaking of high explosives let me comment on a fellow named Walt Uzinowitz (sp). He lived in Kinnelon, I think by the old firehouse and the original Kiel Avenue School. He had the contract to dynamite/blast the way through the granite to ultimately create Mountain Road. It must be understood Mountain Road ended at our property line. The carriage trail continued with nothing but stone outcrops and trees. I would sit out there (Emily and Nana keeping their eye on me) and watch him drill blasting holes, in the rock, load up with explosives, push the plunger down and WHAM!!!!! One day he asked Emily if she would allow me to push the plunger. PLEASE PLEASE Mother!!!! It was a very hesitant "okay". For a seven year old kid that was truly a BLAST. He let me do it dozens of times as the road progressed down the back side of Kitty Ann Mountain. There was also a road contractor that would park his huge bulldozer in front of our house, he told me to keep an eye on it overnight. I cannot remember his name, but he would let me sit next to him as we pushed huge boulders, mowed down trees, and repositioned dirt. At the end of the workday, Emily would always reward all these fellows and their workers with cold beer or in cooler weather coffee, hot chocolate and cookies.
I won first place in a Smoke Rise fishing contest, two pound pickerel, and could choose $20.00 worth of stuff from a sporting goods store in Pompton Lakes. In the 50s, 20 bucks was great. With my Sailfish I have several trophies from races on the Lake. A fellow named John Maginheimer (sp) was impossible to beat. Ray Edwards (Edwards Engineering) and Scott Allen (Bronze Medal winner Winter Olympics, skating) were also bad news competitors.
Also Tom mentioned fast cars around the Tower. Ask his older brother, Phil, about my green 68 GTO.

I could keep going but I will stop here.....maybe more to follow later, if this is of interest. The Tower will always be a symbol/memory of my childhood. I read some of the blog posts about ice fishing or walking to the chapel or hiking and it is very clear......although Smoke Rise is much different today, the magic is still there. As the cliche goes,"I have been there and done that". I have lived in Texas since 73, with my wife of 37 years, we have raised a terrific Texan daughter, who married a terrific Texan fellow, and will give us a terrific Texan grand daughter in March.......BUT Smoke Rise will always always be MY HOME.

The picture was taken at the VIP parking lot at the Indianapolis 500 somewhere in the later 60s. My father was good friends with Tony Hulman who owned the Speedway and we always stayed at Roscoe and Donna Turner's house in Indianapolis. Roscoe was a famous winner of air races in the 30s.......very interesting character.
My father learned to fly in Indianapolis in about 1928.
Emily (my Mom) and Mildred Rohrer played bridge together back in Caldwell/Essex Fells way before I was born. We moved to SR, Mildred and Harry came up for a drink and fell in love with the place. They built on Ridge Road as I mentioned. That's how Jimmy and I became good friends.
So there ya go, another little slice of Smoke Rise history. You have any questions about back then, just ask.
Thank you, Herb, for this amazing picture of early Smoke Rise! You are always welcome to share more here.

NOTE: The images above are courtesy of Herbert O. Fisher, Jr. They cannot be used or reproduced without permission and attribution.
A fantastic story with even more fantastic images. I hope you can encourage other to share their tales of the "early" years. As for the life saving event, that was told to me by Ralph himself, so I never really questioned it. I will check with Phil about the GTO. You were not the first to tell me of their dismay about "THAT" house on the west side.
Hello Herb! Great write-up! I know Swett's curve well, as I lived right there! Jeffrey Swett.
Jeffrey, so how intense was Swett's curve? I'm glad I wasn't a parent back then :)
Best, CB
Tom, I'm really enjoying your reactions to Herb's story!
Jeffrey, you removed your comment!!? I loved your description of "Swett's Curve" as mild, hill fairly steep and sledding a blast. I need to check it out - from a distance.
Did you sled on the road? Hard to imagine now a days.
Do you still live in SR?
I sure did sled there! Right out my front door, and next door to Herb. In those days they didn't use salt on the roads, just a bit of sand occasionally... so the road remained snow covered a long time! It seemed like you could sled for miles without stopping... Echo Vally Ln was a great place to sled too. SR closed it for much of the winter. Boonton Township is home now...
Hello Jeff S.!
Thanks for joining this conversation. Sometimes when I weave a story or write a yarn, the thought occurs to me......"many who read this may think it's a total CROCK". It's great when someone stands up and says, "hey I was there and yes it happened".
Iam trying to encourage ALL who lived in the "early Rise" to contribute a story to CB.
Good to hear from you.
Herb Fisher
Herb, thanks for encouraging everyone you know from Smoke Rise to participate! You are turning this into an even more wonderful adventure than I dreamed possible.
Best, CB
Thanks for posting Herb! I was looking up info on Hoot Owl Pond & came across your blog. I met your mother when she was trying to sell your house...we had just started looking in SR & it was just up the hill from my in-laws (they were at 678 Mtn which is now 635 - they renumbered many of the homes a few years ago (& even renamed some streets) to make it easier for emergency vehicles to find their way. I grew up on Banta & my husband moved to Mountain Road in 1972 I believe. I ended up buying the Sawyer's house on Longmeadow - he was the KHS phys.ed teacher for many years. Your mom was sweet & the people who ended up buying the house are lovely! Keep the stories coming - I love Kinnelon history! :) Kristen De Leo
Hello Kristen, Yes I knew Coach Sawyer at KHS. He and Coach Brown(Brown was with us at Stoneybrook as well) made sure none of us had much flab (as if we didn't get enough exercise running around SR). Also, I meant to ask CB about road name changes. I noticed on Google maps and said to myself..."that ain't right"....now I know the explanation. CB keeps encouraging me, soooo there will be at least one or two "Adventures/History in the Early Days". Not sure I ever met your husband. Thanks for writing.
Thanks, Kristin and Herb for adding more great details to this story. I'm enjoying this beyond belief!
Hey Herbie,
Do you remember me??
Tibby Davies
313 Cherry Tree Lane
Tibby, WOW!!!!
How could I ever forget my FIRST girlfriend. Sure I remember you. I was sad when you moved from SR to...straining my memory here...Chappaqua, New York? Older brother Kim, did drawings of sailboats???? How am I doing, so far?I do not want to post my email address but CB, the lady that edits this site, has my address....maybe if you want she can help us connect.
Tibby and Herbie, I would be happy to connect you two.
My email: cbwhittemore [at] gmail [dot] com.
Hi Herb, Thanks for sharing your memories of early Smoke Rise. I am Randy Arendt's older brother and we lived just below your house on Mountain Road Terrace. I remember your Mom and Nana who used to give us delicious cabbage rolls as a treat. I lived in SR from 1955 to 1959 when I graduated from Butler HS and went off to college in New Hampshire.
I remember the long walk from the school bus stop up Mountain Road -- Joan Smythe was my walking companion. I loved sailing on the lake, diving off the cliffs at Talbot's Cove and fishing for pickerel.
Randall now lives in Narragansett, RI is still works as a land use planner. I am retired from banking and live in Sonoma, CA.
On one of our trips back East it would be fun to visit SR, but I don't know if I could get in the gate as we no longer live there.
Rick Arendt (rarendt@earthlink.net)
Rick, thanks so much for your comment! I have passed your message onto Herb and look forward to your and Randall's stories.
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