Bill Freind Leads Employment Seminars In Kinnelon
Perhaps you've seen the announcements about an employment seminar led by Bill Freind, longtime Kinnelon, NJ resident. They've appeared in Argus, the Smoke Rise Newsletter, Our Lady of the Magnificat's bulletin and the website news section, and NorthJersey.com News.
And the response has been strong!
Given the intensity of the program, Bill has capped attendance at 30 people. The original seminar, which took place November 24th and December 1st, 2009 [with individual one-on-one practice interview and counseling sessions scheduled separately], has been so well attended that he decided to hold another session in January 2010.
January 2010 Employment Seminar Session
The classroom dates are January 19 and January 26 at 7pm and take place at Our Lady Of the Magnificat in Kinnelon.
If you are interested in attending, please do check in with Bill Freind.
Bill Freind's Contact information:
+ wfreind [at] optonline.com
+ tel: 973-838-1154
Must Read Employment Book!
Whether you attend Bill Freind's employment seminar or not, his advice is to absolutely purchase What Color Is Your Parachute? 2010: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers
Additional Employment Resources
By the way, I discovered a link to the official site for What Color Is Your Parachute: JobHuntersBible.com as well as to the author's blog Dick Bolles' Enchanted World.

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