
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Shannachie, David MacCaffrey, Tells Tales at Kinnelon Library

David MacCaffrey, The Shannachie of Glendunbunn Ballybegg
Happy New Year 2012!

I bring you news about one of the first Kinnelon Library events of the year: Traditional Irish Storytelling on Sunday, January 15th, 2012 at 3pm.

The event title itself - "David MacCaffrey, The Shannachie of Glendunbunn Ballybegg" - is enough to give you a taste of what's ahead... especially when you realize that Shannachie is the Gaelic word for storyteller.

David Emerson, from History on the Hoof, brings to life the character of David MacCaffrey, the storyteller of Glendunbunn Ballybegg.

More specifically,

"The wit and wisdom, humor and horror, hubris and humanity of a people are found in their traditional stories. Compelling storyteller David Emerson retells (and embroiders) the colorful and ancient tales of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Cornwall in a presentation that will "warm, tickle, or chill the heart."

From the History of the Hoof website, I learned that David Emerson played George Washington in New Jersey Network's "Ten Crucial Days" and appeared as Sergeant Matthew Smith in Light A Candle Films' "Battle of Bunker Hill" (2009) [note chap in the green coat and the striped waistcoat with the New England dialect].

Don't wait to sign up for this entertaining storytelling event. Please call the Kinnelon Library at 973 838 1321.

Note: The program is funded by the Horizons Speakers Bureau of the NJ Council for the Humanities, a state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities

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