
Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Smoke Rise Cook Book - 1962

The Smoke Rise Cook Book - 1962
Are you ever in for a treat, thanks to Herb O. Fisher, Jr.: The Smoke Rise Cookbook from 1962!

Herb wrote me the following message:
Recently, I have seen several recipes show up on blog articles. 
Well, are you aware of, "The Smoke Rise Cook Book"? This goes back to the very early 60s.

Mitzi Yucknat was Nana/my grand mother.

Jan scooped this up from a dusty file cabinet in our garage. I have not seen this in a gazillion years.There are sooooo many names of women that sent in recipes (looks like 96) that I recall my parents mentioning and were charter family members of the infant Smoke Rise. Many of them had young uns' that were friends of mine. There is even one from a fellow named Howard who was the Chef at the Inn, way back then.
There are over 200+ Dips, Salads, Main Dishes, Side dishes, Preserves, breads and cookies, and Desserts.
HOF jr.

The Smoke Rise Cook Book - 1962 - Dedication Page
Thanks, HOF! This is truly amazing!

Here is the introduction from this cookbook:

The Officers and Chairmen of The Women of Smoke Rise will be glad to tell you that we are no ordinary women's club. The needs of our young, exurban community have crated a women's organization vital to everyone who lives in Smoke Rise. It would be a terrible bore for you and for me if I listed our many functions. Just accept my word that we are into everything. We begin with tots at pre-school age and branch out in an all embracing web of services and activities.

Because of thise frenzied work-load, the Scholarship Prize Fund for the Kinnelon High School sounded like pure madness to us, a very new Executive Board and President. Our own budget is balanced by sheer ingenuity and the heroic efforts of our Ways and Means Committee.

The Fund commits The Women of Smoke Rise to about $1,000 a year. Every year one student, graduating from Kinnelon High School and selected by the faculty on scholastic merit alone, will receive approximately $250 a year for the four years of his or her continuing college education.  By 1965 our first prize winning graduate begins his college career at the school of his choice.

This Smoke Rise Cook Book, an enormous project in itself, is the selfless labor of our Community Service Chairman and her Committee and all profits from its sale are dedicated to the Scholarship Prize Fund for the Kinnelon High School.

Irene Meyer
President of The Women of Smoke Rise, 1962-1963

The Smoke Rise Cook Book: Stuffed Cabbage by Mitzi Yucknat

And, here is Mitzi Yucknat's recipe for Stuffed Cabbage:

Scald to soften, one head loose cabbage

Mix thoroughly:
  • 1 lb round beef
  • 1.2 lb ground pork
  • 2 beaten eggs
  • 1 cup uncooked rice
  • salt + pepper to season
Fill each leaf of cabbage with above. Fasten ends securely so stuffing will not escape during cooking. Place 1/2 can of sauerkraut in the bottom of the kettle. Put stuffed cabbage on top. Cover with the remainder of the kraut. Fill balance of kettle with water. Cook slowly 2.5 hours

Sauce - Brown 1 large chopped onion in 3 T. bacon grease. Add 2 T. flour and 1/2 Tsp. Paprika. Pour over kraut and let come to a boil.

Does The Smoke Rise Cook Book of 1962 bring back memories? Did your family participate? Which were your favorite recipes?

Let me know in the comments.

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