
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Local Kinnelon Weather Radar -- What Is It Really Going to Do in the Next 30 Minutes?

Local Kinnelon Weather Radar
Weather Underground Smallest Scale

North Jersey Weather Tells You What It Is Going to Do in the Next 30 Minutes in Kinnelon, NJ!

Wouldn't it be nice to have your own personal local weather radar that showed you when the storms, rain, snow, and clouds were going to be over your house, your town, and the immediate area you are going to be driving in, walking, playing baseball, or taking a hike? The answer is: Yes!

If you've ever looked at so-called local weather radar maps, you know they are not that local, and it's hard to distinguish the rain or snow from the clear spots and tell what is coming our way right here in Kinnelon in the very near future. Oh, you can tell from Accuweather or from their radar or satellite maps what will happen in the NY/NJ/CT tri-state area, but that's about all.

With Weather Underground you can select an area of the radar map and hold-left-click-drag a box which will then resolve to a smaller area, but still a fairly large one at highest resolution. See the map above.

But I have discovered a small site based in Wood Ridge, NJ that micro-interpolates weather radar data and shows a Very Local radar map of our area, local enough to see what's happening right on top of us, and what's going to happen over the next hour or two. Very Cool.

It's called North Jersey Weather, and includes a lot of info beside the radar map, but I love that map. Sadly, the map is not always running -- it seems that it gets shut down late at night, and when there is no interesting weather to map -- but when there is a rain or snow maker coming through it can tell you what to expect in a much more personal way than the maps of the big services. And really, when do you actually need or want a Weather Radar Map? When there IS weather, right?

Just click on the "Current Local Doppler Radar" map in the upper right hand corner of the page, or click on the Radar selection at the left, and the local map will display if it's running.

Next time you want to know what's up for the next couple of hours, check it out!

Add it to your browser favorites, if you like. We've added it to this blog's local resources.


Photo Credit: Live Screen Capture of Weather Underground at Highest Magnification Possible

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