
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Kinnelon Community Gardens Update, Events, Website

Kinnelon Community Gardens Update, Events, Website

Have you been keeping up with the Kinnelon Community Gardens (KCG)? Let me update you...

Kinnelon Community Gardens Website

Kinnelon Community Gardens has a website: which includes photos and writeups of recent KCG events.  Definitely check out the photos from the Two Pond Farm visit in West Milford!

Kinnelon Community Gardens Update

This from Galina Adair:

"Hello everyone – I wanted to give you an updated account of what is happening at the Kinnelon Community Gardens. We have started to meet with the Open Space Committee. The Open Space Committee extended an invitation to the Kinnelon Community Gardens and we accepted.

The Kinnelon Open Space Public Advisory Committee and the KCG’s meetings have been going extremely well. With the help of the Open Space Committee, we realized that in order to obtain a parcel of property, there are steps necessary to follow and a clear course of action was determined. A list of potential sites was discussed, and the OSPAC is investigating these possibilities. It was agreed that the KCG would attend any future OSPAC meetings in order to keep up to date on what was being accomplished. So, KCG is very optimistic of our forthcoming plot of land!"

Kinnelon Community Gardens Events

Did you know that Kinnelon Community Gardens organizes monthly seminars that take place at L'Ecole Museum (25 Kiel Avenue) in Kinnelon? These sessions are great fun, informative and seem to consistently involve tastings of food created by local Kinnelon garden enthusiasts.

The first we attended took place on October 6 with local beekeeper Don Lynch.  We'll share more notes in a separate post.

Ted discussed the history and making of hot sauces with tastings of his SR Fresh Hot Sauces on December 8th.

Upcoming Kinnelon Community Gardens seminars include:

Jan. 5, 2011:  Bill of ‘Bill’s Figs’
Bill Muzychko of Bill’s Figs from Flemington, NJ has been growing figs for ~ 7 years. He has over 100 fig trees and his mature trees (i.e,. 4 years old or older) produce between 200 and 300 figs during a growing season. This is a major accomplishment since fig trees are semi-Tropical and not used to cold winters. Bill has developed a system that not only extends the growing season, but encourages rapid growth. Here is a link to a presentation he shared in 2008 on the caring and growing of fig trees.  Bill will also have some of his fig trees available for sale.

Feb. 2, 2011  Diane Nelson – wild flowers of the Highlands

March 2, 2011 Movie 'Power of the Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil'  with wine/cheese.
This documentary, a People's Choice Award winner for best international film at the Aotearoa Environmental Film Festival, explores how rapidly an economy can become self sufficient as oil supplies dwindle? Cubans didn't have a choice in the matter and figured out how to grow their own food and use alternative forms of energy to power refrigeration, light, transport etc.

April 6, 2011 Allyson Hosford from Two Pond Farm in West Milford on onions and garlic....saving seeds....small farm farming and farmers

May 4, 2011 Beer (?) Field Trip

June 8, 2011 Indian Herbs & Indian Cooking

As you can see, lots to look forward to about our Kinnelon community, and what's possible with gardens.

If you have any questions, please contact  See you at an upcoming seminar!

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