
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kinnelon's 33rd Annual Book Sale: August 27-30

Kinnelon Annual Book SaleAre you ever in for a treat!  The 33rd Kinnelon Annual Book Sale takes place Friday, August 27 through Monday, August 30, 2010 and I believe it will be the most outstanding one yet!

For one reason, I think you will find a rich selection of book marvels to choose from!  You see, book donations to the Kinnelon Annual Book Sale have been at an all-time high. In fact, we hoped to donate another 3 boxes today and were turned down. 

The Kinnelon Annual Book Sale is a gem of an event for finding unexpected treasures. It reminds me of the visits my Dad took me on in McLean, VA when I was a kid to the second hand book store where -inevitably- I went home with another marvelous adventure in hand.

The recent press release gives you a  better feel for what makes the event unique:

"Book lovers from New York City to Philadelphia have discovered Kinnelon because of this event.  We offer fiction and non-fiction for children to adults at incredible bargain prices.  For variety and quality, this book sale cannot be equaled.  Collectors items, best sellers, how-to-books, cook books, great gifts for coffee tables and fellow readers, and just about any other kind of book you may be looking for may be found here. Come to our sale on August 27-30 (Friday 9-6, Saturday & Monday 9-4; Sunday 11-3) at the Kiel Avenue Firehouse (off Kinnelon Road) Call 973-838-1321 or visit and click on the ‘Friends’ link."

Definitely a special event! I hope you'll invite everyone you know to it.

Here are nitty-gritty details for the 33rd Kinnelon Annual Book Sale. It takes place at the Kiel Avenue Firehouse in Kinnelon, NJ.
Kinnelon 33rd Annual Book Sale

Kinnelon Annual Book Sale Hours:

Fri. August 27:  9AM – 6PM (New Hours!)
Sat. August 28:  9AM – 4 PM
Sun. August 29:  11AM – 3 PM Half Price Day
Mon. August 30:  9AM – 4PM Bag Day (Fill a paper bag for $3.)

As some of the Kinnelon Annual Book Sale communications state:

"You can not afford to miss this! (Send a friend with your list if you have to be away.) 

Most hardcover books and trade paperbacks are $2. Standard paperbacks are $1. Gift-quality books and Children's books have special pricing."

Volunteers at the Annual Kinnelon Book SaleKinnelon Annual Book Sale Directions:

If you are from out-of-town...
  • 287 to exit 52 towards Butler onto Rt. 23 North
  • When driving 287 South, Exit 52 A&B splits. Go uphill.
  • Merge into a center lane to avoid being shunted into a shopping center.
  • Pass lights at Morse Ave., Boonton Ave., and Cascade.
  • Turn right onto the Kiel Ave. & Kinnelon Road jughandle. Watch for a sign just after Coldwell Banker realtors.
  • Turn left onto Kinnelon Road facing Route 23.
  • It usually takes two lights to get across Route 23.
  • Go three lights to Ricker Road.
  • Pass lights at Kakeout and Maple Lake.
  • Turn left onto Ricker and go about 1/10th of a mile to Kiel Ave.
  • Turn right onto Kiel Ave. Go 2/10ths of a mile.
  • The Kiel Ave. Firehouse will be on your left. 
What's amazing about this event is the scale of it. Here are some stats from 2009:

"Over 20,000 books of fiction & non-fiction for adults, children and young adults. The few books left over after the sale were donated to the Father English Community Center in Paterson, NJ."


"With the book bin over-flowing and bags and cartons of books covering six tables, the sale was set up in record time with the assistance of the Kinnelon Department of Public Works. The book sale volunteers then began the arduous task of sorting and shelving books. Concurrently, more donations were being received. After three long weeks, we were ready for the sale."

Kinnelon's Book SaleI can't even imagine processing or coordinating that many books... And that was last year!

It's an effort that requires taking over the Kiel Avenue Firehouse for the entire month of August.

As well as intense dedication from amazing Kinnelon Book Sale volunteers!  From the Friends of the Kinnelon Library website, here are the 2010 Book Sale Volunteers:

Nancy Barnett, Pat Bianchi, Igor Broz, Pat Canning, JC Cooper, Trevor DeVissor, Lou Diani, Keren and Matt Duss, Helen Egan, Linda Farmer, Bob and Lori Frank, Kris Frank, Louise Gallarelli, Rachael Gallegan, Wanda Gilbert, Avery Hart, Denise and Max Hofbauer, Dee Holtermann, Deven and Trevor Horton, Tom Hurley, Marlys Huss, Arden Knudsen, George and Valerie LeBlanc, Amy Leonard, Ron and Barbara Leavesley, Dorothy McMahon, Sandy Miller, Joe Mitchell, Robin Mitchell, Nancy Morley, Vic and Kathy Oburg, Nancy and Robert Patterson, Kayle and Mary Pitts, Julie Puccia, Charley and Aline Roselius, Shelley Schick, Betty Schmidt, Jim Seeto, Elaine Sheehy, Barbara Sisco, Bill Smyth, Ruth Stern, Elizabeth Tiebk, Peg Wagner, Myrna Weisselberg, Lois Wolfer, Nancy, Michael, and Jesse Zuccagnim


And, a Special thanks to the Pathmark of Kinnelon for their generous donation of shopping bags.

Get your book list ready, and please let your friends know about this amazing Kinnelon Annual Book Sale event. It takes place August 27th through August 30th, 2010.

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