
Monday, October 5, 2009

Ramstein Beer's Greg Zaccardi At Mondial de la Biere Europe

Greg Zaccardi, Ramstein BeerThat's right! Our very own Greg Zaccardi, owner of High Point Brewery in Butler, NJ, and brewmaster of Ramstein Beers, will be at the first ever Strasbourg's Mondial de la Biere Brewery event in Europe -- attending, sharing a presentation on American Microbreweries and participating in a Brewers Round Table discussion in Europe with the best brewers in the world.

When? October 16 through 18, 2009.

Where? The Strasbourg Exhibition Park [Parc des Expositions de Strasbourg Wacken], Halls 20 and 21.

What's really cool is that this is an international event of recognized brewery masters by invitation only and Ramstein Beer and Greg Zaccardi have been invited!

I caught up with Greg to learn more.

C.B.: Greg, what is the Mondial de la Biere?

Greg: Mondial de la Biere started out in Quebec in 1993 and takes place every year. Mondial's president, Jeannine Marois, decided to expand the Mondial to Strasbourg, France's beer capital, which is also very close to Germany ["the technological paradise of the brewery industry"] and Belgium ["masters of artisanal brewing"]. The focus is on small, artisanal beers. What we refer to here as microbrewery beers.

While our beer has been served at the Mondial in Canada, I have personally not been there.

This event in Strasbourg is the first of its kind in Europe. The event is organized and presented in the same manner as in Canada but it is offered to a European audience for the first time. These consumers are very discerning and appreciate quality rather than quantity.

Ramstein BeerC.B.: Tell me about the events you're participating in at Mondial de la Biere.

Greg: I will be giving a presentation to the attendees of Mondial de la Biere about the history and evolution of US microbreweries and what value my German training has provided to our growth in the USA. It's titled "History & Evolution of American Microbreweries" and takes place on Sunday October 18th at 4pm.

I will also participate in the Brewers Roundtable, to discuss what has become of the brewer's profession today, with people involved in the brewing industry from around the world.

This round table is scheduled on Saturday, October 17th, from 11:00 p.m. to 12:30. Mr. Mario 'Eer will act as moderator.

To give you an idea, Conrad Seidl, Michel Haag, Teo Musso, Ben Vinken, Gilbert Delos, amongst others, all internationally acclaimed beer experts, will take part in this activity. I will provide insight from the North American point of view.

C.B.: Wow! That's an impressive crowd! What is the North American perspective? I'm biased in favor of Ramstein Beer, but why would Europeans care?

Greg: I think what I add is the perspective of an American who learned German brewing methods and more importantly the mindset for quality. I brought those skills and mindset back to the US to open a brewery and make a living in the world of brewing.

The big question is was it worth it and is there a viable market for it? No easy answers here but I think that it is based on goals. I have made a lot of people proud and happy and I can't imagine being at any other job.

Practically everyone that tastes our beers smiles and that's pretty rewarding.

Thank you, Greg!

There you have it! Our local Brewery is of such quality and renown that this showcase of the best beer that the world has to offer will include our very own Ramstein Beer and Greg Zaccardi!

Congratulations, Greg!

Note: Ramstein Beer's Oktoberfest is currently ranked #1 by BeerAdvocate [added 10/10/09]

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  1. My understanding is that there are other owners besides Greg Zaccardi of High Point Brewing Co.

  2. Anonymous, I suggest you speak with Greg Zaccardi to get the straight scoop.


  3. Greg's mother and uncle invested in the company along with friends and other very significant local NJ investors. It's surprising that Greg fails to mention his financial angels.

    The company is C corporation registered in the State of NJ.

  4. Anonymous, I'm not sure that this aspect of the business is relevant to those of us who like beer, enjoy going to the brewery and enjoy Greg himself.

    There are a lot of businesses which have been helped by the families and friends of the principals, but I don't see how that has any bearing on this blogpost or on those who drink the beer. It's not clear to me either that the possible passive investment of capital compares to the blood, sweat and tears associated with building a business from nothing over a 14 year period.

    I think that's enough exploration of this topic for the moment. If you want to pursue it further, I suggest you take it up with Greg himself.

