
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Reminder: Sterling Forest Fire Tower Hike May 17, 2009

Just a quick reminder that the Sterling Forest Fire Tower Hike will be taking place this Sunday, May 17, 2009 at 1pm.

I captured the original details [including pictures of what to anticipate] in Save The Date: Sterling Forest Fire Tower Hike.

Ken Bitz and I exchanged emails today. We are aware that the weather may not cooperate.

However, it just might.

Consequently, we plan on meeting at the Smoke Rise Inn parking lot at 1pm. Don't forget to bring water and a light snack.

If the weather truly doesn't cooperate, we'll decide on a raindate at that point [so far, the weekends of June 6/7 and 13/14 are NOT options; others are].

In the meantime, be ready, get psyched, do a sunshine-dance and see you on Sunday for what looks to me to be a spectacular walk!

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  1. If the weather looks good, we certainly plan on going along. Thanks for the links to the pictures from past hikes. The views look amazing and I am looking forward to the boys climbing the tower. I know they will get a kick out of that.

  2. Fingers crossed that the weather agrees with us. This will be a fascinating hike.
