
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Save The Date: Sterling Forest Fire Tower Hike

Sterling Forest Fire Tower originally
uploaded by aptokash.

Save the date -Sunday May 17th, 2009 - for the Sterling Forest Fire Tower hike.

This is another hike that Smoke Rise's Ken Bitz is organizing with the official notice appearing in the April 1 issue of The Smoke Rise Newsletter.

The hike as Ken describes it sounds fantastic:

This hike is rated moderate and is 4 miles round trip. It features a very interesting hike around Sterling Lake, including old iron ore works. We then ascend to one of the last manned fire towers that protect our forests. We will meet with the forest ranger and have the opportunity to climb the tower.

We will meet at the Inn parking lot at 1 PM. Bring a snack or light lunch.

As always, children and dogs are welcomed.

To whet your appetite - and convince you to take part with us - I found some wonderful resources:

+ This Flickr photo stream shows some of the views you can expect when you reach the Sterling Forest Fire Tower.

+ I'm really pleased to have come across Northeast Hiking with a post about the Sterling Forest Fire Tower.

+ Here is a description of the Sterling Forest State Park hike from the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference

+ This is a link to the Best Places to Hike to a Fire Lookout from that Appalachian Mountain Club. It lists the Sterling Forest Fire Tower as well as several others.

+ Here are photos from a winter hike to the Sterling Forest Fire Tower that the Westchester Hiking Meetup Group took part in.

I'm looking forward not just to the hike, but also to learning about fire towers and the role they play. [By the way, did you know that there is a Forest Fire Lookout Association?]

For information on these hikes as well as information on our own Smoke Rise trails please contact Ken Bitz .

I hope to see you there!

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