
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Kiel School 2008 Halloween Parade - Photos Posted!

Mrs. Hart leading the parade.
It seems like eons ago -- surrounded as we are with snow and the lake now frozen -- but I really enjoyed the Kiel School 2008 Halloween Parade.  

The day itself was glorious: blue sky, cool and crisp air but not too cold, and a Friday.  The anticipation in our house was palpable as our daughter had carefully planned her costume and eagerly intended to do makeup [i.e., green face paint] herself. She couldn't wait to get to school that day.

At the appointed time, we showed up at the school playground which meant arriving approximately 15 minutes earlier to find parking [along Kiel Avenue, North of the Firehouse, past that little bridge] and walk to the school.

This was our first time taking part in a Kinnelon school system event; we weren't sure what to expect. It was a blast!

The First and Second graders soon marched out the back of the school to spooky tunes [think Addams Family - snap, snap; Monster Mash...]. Mrs. Hart, the Principal, led the way with individual teachers and their classes following behind.  

The parade went from the school to the playground around the playground periphery twice before heading back in to school.  Parents had ample opportunity to oooh and aaah [well, we did] and take pictures before heading back home or to work.

Later that afternoon, Emma and I headed off toward Longmeadow to trick or treat. Thank you for your generosity if we visited you!

Somewhat belatedly, I've uploaded my photos from the 2008 Kiel School Halloween Parade to my Flickr photostream.  Do check them out and feel free to add comments.

Note: if you have any photos relating to the Kiel/Sisco school year, please do contact kielsiscoyearbook [at] gmail [dot] com.  They are looking for candids to include in the student yearbook.

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