
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Kinnelon's Semi-Annual Pancake Breakfast

Have you been to the Kinnelon, NJ Semi-Annual Pancake Breakfast?  The most recent one just took place this past October 19th at the Kiel Avenue Firehouse and it was a blast.

We love pancake breakfasts, particularly when they take place at the Kinnelon firehouse.  It's always a fun event that we start looking forward to the minute we see the large signs strewn about town in strategic locations...

Before moving to Kinnelon, we had never been to a pancake breakfast. Perhaps it was because our daughter was too young.  Now, it's rare for us to miss them.  Next one:  late March 2009.

Where else can you be guaranteed so much amazing kid-fascinating entertainment, including an opportunity to climb all over those magnificent fire trucks?

In anticipation of writing this blogpost, I learned the following from the two women responsible for making this event proceed as smoothly as it does, the Fire Auxiliary President, Maribeth Smialek, and Vice President, Nancy Tsinkelis:

+ A Kinnelon pancake breakfast makes use of approximately 220 pounds of pancake batter.

+ Workers start mixing the batter at 6am to be ready for the official breakfast start time of 7am.

+ Over 200 pounds of some of the tastiest sausage I have ever eaten is cooked. [Next time, I need to find out what brand of sausage...]

+ This year, Nancy pre-packaged the utensils in individual packets. Very classy and efficient.  She put together 1700 sets and any not used for this event are ready for the next.

As you can see from the photos, many people get involved helping out with the pancake breakfast, and not just adults.  Kids get into the act, too, as well as entire families.

At the pancake station, for example, a mom, dad and son did the honors.  I didn't get their names, but they were terrific, and the mom made the best Mickey Mouse pancakes you have ever encountered [my daughter consumed hers before I was able to photograph it].

Now, as I've only been to Kinnelon pancake breakfasts, I'm not really qualified to compare them to those of neighboring fire departments.  

I would expect them to be at least as much fun, and for the sake of research [the main Butler firehouse is named the Kinney Hose Company No. 1], I will attend an upcoming Butler NJ pancake breakfast.

However, what I do know is that this pancake breakfast brings together a terrific crowd of kids and grownups from Kinnelon NJ, and when we leave [after stopping by the Bake Sale table], we inevitably can't wait for the next one.

Pictured here with Lisa's son and my daughter are Kinnelon Volunteer Fire Auxiliary Vice President, Nancy Tsinkelis, in red and President, Maribeth Smialek, in stripes.

Thank you and see you at the next Kinnelon Pancake Breakfast!

N.B.:  Per the Kinnelon Volunteer Fire Company website, this past pancake breakfast served 619 meals.  Not bad!

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