Experience the sights, sounds, history and community of one of the most magical places on earth - the Land Where the Smoke Rises - in and around Kinnelon, NJ
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Kinnelon Critter File: Wild Turkeys
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Kinnelon Critter File: Swans
We didn't think ours were Trumpeters, but we hadn't had much of a chance to inspect them closely enough to reach any kind of scientific determination.
According to the Columbia write-up on Mute Swans, "Mute swans are herbivorous aquatic foragers. An individual adult swan consumes 3-4kg of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) per day. The remainder of their diet includes a small proportion of terrestrial plants, algae, insects, fish and frogs. In their native lands, mute swan feeding habits aid other waterfowl’s foraging as they stir up vegetation deep in the water that smaller waterfowl, such as ducks, cannot reach. If left unprotected, medium-sized predators, such as mink and raccoons, will take eggs and cygnets. Adults are not usually preyed upon unless they are injured or sick."
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Fish, Food, "Green" and Beer - All Reasons For The Smoke Rise Blog
Some of these questions we have attempted to answer or are in the process of answering in the previous articles of this Smoke Rise blog, but there are others we will need your help to answer, and we think those answers are out there and you know what they are.
So I am going to ask some of these questions and hope that you who read the blog will answer them either in the comments section or as guest contributors, with full articles of your own.
All right then, all of you expert fishermen, how do you fish the lake? What gear do you use? What bait? What lures? Do you troll or cast from a boat? Do you fish from the shore? What time of day do you fish? What do you catch and where? Tell us about fishing our lake. Do you eat your catch? Be specific and give us details.
I myself, after not having fished since I was a boy, have been taking my 6 year old daughter, Emma, to the docks by the beach to catch sunnies, the occasional perch, and bass (the biggest was 4 lbs) on light spinning and baitcasting gear with nightcrawlers and Mepps spinners. Emma and I have our best luck after 6 PM during the spring, summer, and early fall. We don't get up early enough to get out there for morning fishing.
My daughter always asks us if we can eat a big bass should we catch one, but she relents if we do, and we release all of the fish we catch. My daughter’s friend, Miles, caught a 6 lb channel catfish this summer, and I probably would have kept that fish had Emma caught it, and deep-fried the fillets up with a batter coating just like my folks did when we spent summers on the
On the subject of eating and food – where do you go out to eat? There certainly does not seem to be an embarrassment of good places to eat within, say, 20 minutes, but we have liked our own Village Inn, which is convenient and friendly, as well as The Station Restaurant, in Mountain Lakes, Yuki Japanese, formerly Sushi, mainly for takeout sushi on Rt 23N just up from Boonton Ave, and in Denville, the Heritage Grill, which serves really very good food in somewhat downscale (for the food) family style restaurant décor. Café Metro in Denville is also good, especially if you are into the whole grain macro-biotic thing.
We have visited many other restaurants which shall remain as nameless as they are undistinguished (or worse).
And while we are on the subject of food efficiency, and straying to carbon footprints and, generally being “green,” what do you do?
Of course we recycle in Smoke Rise and Kinnelon. That is, we separate cans and bottles and paper from garbage and put them out separately.
Green can mean a lot of things: Lower energy usage and a lower carbon footprint. Saving money. Keeping our wild areas free from trash and pollution.
But what does it mean to be green here? Do we take our own bags to the grocery store (as you may have to for BJs or Costco)?
Some of us are moving to CFLs (compact fluorescent lights), which, I guess, pose their own problems (they contain mercury which is a hazardous material and needs special disposal).
We all are aware that gas, oil, propane, and electricity have spiked in price recently, though gas has since dropped a bit, but most people we know have attempted to cut back on energy usage of all kinds just because of the eyepopping increases in the bills alone. Are some of us using wood-burning stoves?
Tell us what you do and what you think.
Also, does anyone have old photos of Smoke Rise, Kinnelon and the area showing our buildings, roads and landscape as they were in the past, perhaps 40, 50, or even a hundred years ago? How about copies of the 1904 and 1857 maps of the area, that is the ones on display at L'Ecole on Kiel Ave? We’d like to scan, digitize and post them.
Also, what questions do you have, that you would like answered?
Come on in, the water's fine.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Indian Cliffs Trail Hike
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Didja Know? Francis S. Kinney's "Cottage" Life
NOTE: The Smoke Rise Riding School is now managed by Ann Mitchell. For more information, visit the Smoke Rise Riding Club at Smoke Rise Farms.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Kinnelon's Semi-Annual Pancake Breakfast
Where else can you be guaranteed so much amazing kid-fascinating entertainment, including an opportunity to climb all over those magnificent fire trucks?
As you can see from the photos, many people get involved helping out with the pancake breakfast, and not just adults. Kids get into the act, too, as well as entire families.
I would expect them to be at least as much fun, and for the sake of research [the main Butler firehouse is named the Kinney Hose Company No. 1], I will attend an upcoming Butler NJ pancake breakfast.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
A Must Read Book: The Age of Conversation 2
And, it's for a good cause. Proceeds from the sale benefit Variety, the children's charity [our goal is to raise at least $15,000].
+ Manifestos
+ Keeping Secrets in the Age of Conversation
+ Moving from Conversation to Action
+ The Accidental Marketer
+ A New Brand of Creative
+ My Marketing Tragedy
+ Business Model Evolution
+ Life in the Conversation Lane -- Bringing it all back to the individual
My chapter belongs in the Business Model Evolution section. It is titled "Don't Be Myopic About Social Media." The Age of Conversation - Why Don't They Get It? offers more perspective on who and what inspired my chapter.
The book is available in 3 versions - hardback, paperback and e-book - and is guaranteed to provide perspective, and help you appreciate and challenge assumptions about this Age of Conversation.
BTW, the first Age of Conversation, involved 104 authors and generated $15,000 for Variety. Age of Conversation 2 is even better given so many talented contributors.
If you'd like to learn more about this book, read It's Here!!! Age of Conversation 2. Now Available...
Thank you.