
Saturday, July 28, 2012

35th Annual Kinnelon Book Sale: Donate Aug 1, Buy! Aug 24

It's that time again: the Annual Kinnelon Book Sale, now in its 35th year!  Here follow details in two parts.

Part I: Book Donations Needed, August 1-17, for Kinnelon Library’s 35th Annual Book Sale August 24-27

Your book donations are welcome starting August 1 through 17, 2012. Don't wait until the last minute, though, to donate as the Firehouse can only hold so many books. Beyond a certain safety point, your donations will be turned down and you'll have to wait until next year.

As you may have read already, "Why not clear out your book shelves and support the Kinnelon Public Library by donating hardcover or paperback fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, videos or books-on-tape in good condition?" 

That's right!

Keep in mind that there are items that cannot be accepted. More specifically, 

No magazines, textbooks, encyclopedia sets, Reader’s Digest Condensed or records, please.  

When you have your book donations ready, please only bring them to the Kiel Avenue Firehouse and not to the Kinnelon Library starting August 1 until the 17th.  

Be warned, if you try to leave books at the Library rather than at the Firehouse, you will not be successful :-)

Part II: The Kinnelon Used Book Sale from August 24 through 27

The Book Sale will be held on August 24 to 27 at the Kiel Avenue Firehouse which is located at 103 Kiel Avenue in Kinnelon.

The hours of the Book Sale are as follows:
  • Friday 8/24/12:      9am to 6pm
  • Saturday 8/25/12:  9am to 4pm
  • Sunday 8/26/12:    11am to 4pm
  • Monday 8/27/12:   9am to 4pm
If you've never been to the Kinnelon Annual Used Book Sale - proceeds from which support the Friends of the Kinnelon Library - you are in for an amazing event: thousands of bargain priced fiction and non-fiction books to choose from. 

Books are organized by subject and author with special sections for children’s books and gift-quality editions.   

For more information and especially if you'd like to volunteer to help out, be sure to call 973-838-1321 or visit the Friends of the Kinnelon Library online. You can also email

Friday, July 20, 2012

Didja Know? The Smoke Rise Green House

Didja Know? The Smoke Rise Green House
Here, from Cornie Hubner's marvelous "Didja Know?" series, an article about The Green House in Smoke Rise.


The Green House located on the John Talbot Estate once provided, all year, fresh flowers, fruits and vegetables for "The Cottage," home of the Kinneys.  Designed by Lord and Bernamin, famous landscape architects, in 1904, it consisted of six, 500 ft. square, connected glass buildings heated by coal and wood burning furnaces. As a hobby of the younger Kinney, Morris, it soon enjoyed popular interest.

Supervised by an experienced English gardener (enticed from a Long Island Estate), each unit provided the required conditions for different, unusual and often exotic horticultural experiments. Neighbors were welcomed to marvel at the all year harvest of flowers, fruits and vegetables. It is possible that some local gardens still contain a hybrid phlox that Morris distributed when an experiment produced blooms that he did not like.

The Hot Houses of his many friends provided transplants that brought trees and bushes to early fruition. Figs, oranges, nectarines, grapes and berries were among the off season ripenings. Roses, orchids, lilies and among others a rare red flower, clivia, formed centers around which all kinds of cut flowers were grown. Vegetables were raised in two sections, augmenting the available supply during World War I. Annual flower plants were grown for early spring planting at the "Cottage" and transplants for the vegetable garden outside the Green House assured early crops of all vegetables.

At one time the stellar attraction was a fig tree reaching to the ceiling with lattice like branches spread over an entire wall. It was rumored that each of the 200 cuddled figs actually had names.  The was almost confirmed by the furor created when one fig disappeared. An intensive investigation exonerated all Estate employees when the mystery was solved by the confession of a delivery boy, unaware of the enormity of his crime.

Two generations of the Dumper Family occupied the apartment over the garage and supervised all seasons productivity until the mid '40s. A unique grape, grafted on local stock and the result of many trials rewarded the experimenters when it ripened during this time. It was the headliner of the Estate's many exhibits at important shows that attracted the interest of commercial and amateur growers.

The Ray Moody family took charge after World War II and continued with gradually reduced plantings until 1979.  Part of the capacity was used for several years, by a grower for raising Taxus seedlings. Many thousands were transplanted in nearby nurseries to protect the succulent needles, greatly enjoyed, for dessert by our always hungry herd of four legged friends.

One of the original sections is still operating and "Cotswold" is enjoying flowers and the many annuals that bring brilliance to the sunken gardens and sunkist lawn on the lake.

Pretty wonderful, no?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Talk at the Kinnelon Library this Thursday, July 19 at 7 PM -- How to Back Up Your Computer in Win7 or Vista, Live Demo Killing a Computer Virus, Ask Your Questions

This Poor Woman hasn't Backed Up Her Computer!

This One Has! 
Similar results are reported for men!

I will be giving a talk at the Kinnelon Public Library, Thursday, July 19 at 7 PM, which is the 6th of 9 such talks a month apart, on the subject of taking care of your Windows PC.

We will go through how to set up Microsoft Included Backup Software in Win 7 or Vista including:

1) How to Configure the Backup Software -- Do you want to backup Files, an Image for the While Disk, both … ???

2) How to Run the Backups -- You can backup your computer manually and automatically and restore -- it's nice to know how before you absolutely have to.

3) How to Schedule the Backups and When to Run Them -- I will walk you through it.

4) What Hardware to Buy -- Do you need an external or internal hard drive, or a flash drive, or ...?

5) What about 3rd Party Backup Software – If you buy an external hard disk from Seagate or Western digital it will often come with Free Backup Software  --  it is any good and how is it different from what comes with Windows. What about cloning or mirroring?

And, if we have time I will walk us through the killing of a Live Virus using readily available free software such as Malware Bytes which I have discussed in other talks and which can be found in other articles on this Blog.

And, As Always we will have our Open Mike period at the end of the talk and demo, so you can find out why your computer isn't doing what you want:

Ask Your Questions about Your Computer and Computer Related Problems, such as:

1) Is my machine too old? When do I need a new machine?

2) How can I "pin" that program to my Taskbar, and what is a "Gadget?"

3) Why does my computer ... ?

4) If you have a laptop with a problem, bring it along and we'll take a quick look.

5) Questions and on-the-spot diagnosis will be limited by the time available!!!

Call the Kinnelon Library at 973 838 1321 and reserve a spot.

See you there!


PS: This talk pertains to PCs running Windows 7, Vista and XP

PPS: Note this is a change of date from June to July due to an equipment issue.

Photo Credits: And I do not make this stuff up!!! and various sites for the unahppy woman.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Smoke Rise Flowers: Readers Remember

Flowers By the Steps My recent article titled June Kinnelon Flowers: Multiflora Rose generated two responses from former Smoke Rise and Kinnelon residents. I share them with you here.

From Kim Vawter

Not sure if this "rose hedge" was planted or if it grew across what was 716 Orchard Road. I remember a long hedge of multifloral roses on a hedge that ran across the front of our property a few feet from the road. Of course none of the roads of the Smoke Rise area of Kinnelon had sidewalks so this plant (ing) would have been where a side walk would have been. It was always the backdrop for Easter pictures. I recall that it was almost as tall as a spirea bush and just about as dense. 

We also had wild honey suckle around the area and you could suck the end of the blossom to get a tiny bit of sweetness! I recall wild blueberry bushes to the left of the property. (I could never remember North, South East or West in Smoke Rise. I had to learn that here in the midwest where everything is flanked by the "River" Missouri River to the EAST.)

Not all smells were wonderful. Back in the woods where you could dig up great batches of good rich black dirt you also may have encountered bad smelling "skunk cabbage." If you were very careful and you took a walk deep into the forest you might find the tiny pale "lady's slipper" or the fragile "jack in a pulpit."

From Lynn

Hi Christine,

Have memories of the beautiful Pink Mountain Laurel everywhere in Smoke Rise but especially on our Brush Hill Road property. The had a lovely scent best left in the wild. Apparently it is somewhat poisonous and affected a Ruffed Grouse my brother Peter had found on the way home from school. Ever the Good Samaritan, Mother nursed it by eye dropper and put it in a basket covered with a towel in the living room unbeknownst to me. When I arrived late at night, of course I had to investigate, at which point Mr Grouse took flight around the house until we gave him his freedom.

My earliest memories were prior to living in SR at a charming house on Long Island where Mother had a North flower bed tucked next to the house filled with tiny fragrant Lily of the Valley. Forever a delicate and favorite scent.

Best regards,

Thank you, Lynn and Kim!

By the way, after desperately searching for it, I finally came across some honeysuckle last weekend. Emma and I enjoyed tasting the sweet nectar.

Happy Summer!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Support St. Hubert's Chapel in Smoke Rise!

St Huberts Chapel
There's lots afoot with St. Hubert's Chapel in Smoke Rise! Not only in preserving the Chapel, but also in  opportunities to support the Chapel restoration and preservation.

Sadly, I missed the Smoke Rise Days tour of the Chapel, but I'm told by a reputable source that regular scheduled tours may be in the works. That's a good thing because so much has been accomplished to bring St. Hubert's Chapel back to its former glory. I'll keep you posted as I learn more.

In the meantime, there's now a wonderful way to support the historic restoration and preservation of Kinnelon and Smoke Rise's beautiful landmark, St. Hubert's Chapel! Now available for sale are T-shirts, tote bags & maps of Kinnelon. 

More specifically (and shown in the photo below):
  • Shirts for $15.00, 
  • Tote Bags (zippered) for $20.00 
4-St Huberts_030
  • Maps for $20.00 (see slide show). 
As you can tell from the photo, the shirts are dark green with a beautiful white print of St. Hubert's Chapel.

The tote bags are all black with the same white print of St. Hubert's Chapel. 

Two maps are available for sale. One represents a map by William P.Child (a long time previous Smoke Rise resident, hiker and lover of the very bedrock and all natural formations and living creatures - flora and fauna included - that make up the foundation of why most want to call Smoke Rise, home) of the Kinnelon area. The other is the historic map of Smoke Rise in the time of Francis Kinney.

All items are great conversation pieces for your summer visitors and college bound kids. Each college dorm should have at least one map of Kinnelon on its walls!

Check out the slide show below, courtesy of Thomas Hannigan. [Note: you can also access the St. Hubert's Gift Items photo set by viewing it directly in Flickr.]

To order these items, please contact JoAnn Brett via phone: 973 838-8228 or email

Please share this message with others you know who might be interested in helping support St. Hubert's Chapel.